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115.   Moreno, Fábio N. ; Sígolo, Joel B. ; Figueira, Antonio V.. PEAT-ASSISTED PHYTOREMEDIATION OF WASTE FOUNDRY SANDS: PLANT GROWTH, METAL ACCUMULATION AND FERTILITY ASPECTS. International Journal of Phytoremediation. v. 14, p. 247-260, issn: 15226514, 2012.
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116.   Mortatti, Jefferson; MORAES, G. M. ; KIANG, Chang Hung. Distribuição e possível oriigem de metais pesados nos sedimentos de fundo ao longo da bacia do alto rio Tietê: Aplicação da normalização geoquímica sucessiva. Geociências (São Paulo. Online). v. 31, p. 175-184, issn: 1980900X, 2012.
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117.   MORTATTI, JEFFERSON; MORAES, G. M. ; PROBST, J L. Heavy Metal Distribution in Recent Sediments along the Tietê River Basin (São Paulo, Brazil). Geochemical Journal. v. 46, p. 13-19, issn: 00167002, 2012.
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118.   MORTATTI, JEFFERSON; Vendramini, Diego ; Oliveira, Helder. Avaliacao da poluicao domestica fluvial na zona urbana do municipio de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. Revista Ambiente & Água. v. 7, p. 110-119, issn: 1980993X, 2012.
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119.   Muniz F R ; Souza Amancio Jose de ; STIPP, Liliane Cristina Liborio ; SCHINOR, Evandro Henrique ; FREITAS JUNIOR, Waner de ; HARAKAVA, Ricardo ; Stach-Machado Dagmar Ruth ; REZENDE, Jorge Alberto Marques ; MOURÃO FILHO, Francisco de Assis Alves ; MENDES, B. M. J.. Genetic transformation of Citrus sinensis with Citrus tristeza virus (CTV)-derived sequences and reaction of transgenic lines to CTV infection. Biologia Plantarum (Praha). v. 56, p. 162-166, issn: 00063134, 2012.
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120.   MURAOKA, T.; SILVA, Edson Cabral da ; Sakadevan, Karuppan. Evaluation of green manures as nitrogen source for maize using 15N labeling technique. Soils Newsletter. v. 35, p. 7-8, issn: 10112650, 2012.
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121.   Nunes, J.S. ; Araújo, A.S.F. ; Nunes, L.A.P.L. ; Lima, L.M. ; Carneiro, R.F.V. ; Salviano, A.A.C. ; Tsai, SM.. Impact of Land Degradation on Soil Microbial Biomass and Activity in Northeast Brazil. PEDOSPHERE. v. 22, p. 88-95, issn: 10020160, 2012.
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122.   Oblessuc, Paula Rodrigues ; Borges, Aline ; Chowdhury, Bablu ; Caldas, Danielle Gregório Gomes ; TSAI, Siu Mui ; CAMARGO, Luis Eduardo Aranha ; Melotto, Maeli ; van Damme, Els J. M.. Dissecting Phaseolus vulgaris Innate Immune System against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Infection. Plos One. v. 7, p. e43161, issn: 19326203, 2012.
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123.   OLIVEIRA, F. A. ; TARAZI, R. ; MENEZES, I. P. P. ; BERG, C. V. D. ; Tsai, SM. ; GAIOTTO, F. A.. Microsatellite markers for Plathymenia reticulata (Leguminosae)1. American Journal of Botany. v. 000000, p. 0000000-00000, issn: 00029122, 2012.
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124.   OLIVEIRA, W M ; CARVALHO, M. F. B. ; ALMEIDA, E. ; MENEGÁRIO, A. A. ; DOMINGOS, R. N. ; BROSSI-GARCIA, A. L. ; NASCIMENTO FILHO, V. F. ; SANTELLI, R. E.. Determination of labile barium in petroleum-produced formation water using paper-based DGT samplers. Talanta (Oxford). v. 100, p. 425-431, issn: 00399140, 2012.
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125.   PAIM, T. P. ; Borges, Bárbara Oliveira ; Lima, P.M.T. ; Dallago, B.S.L. ; Louvandini, Helder ; McManus, Concepta Margaret. Relation between thermographic temperatures of lambs and thermal comfort indices. International Journal of Applied Animal Sciences. v. 1, p. 108-115, issn: 19253869, 2012.
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126.   PAULILLO, L. C. M. S. ; SEBBENN, A. ; DERBYSHIRE, M. T. V. C. ; GOES-NETO, A. ; BROTTO, M. A. P. ; Figueira A.. Evaluation of in vitro and in vivo effects of semipurified proteinase inhibitors from Theobroma seeds on midgut protease activity of Lepidopteran pest insects. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. v. 81, p. 34-52, issn: 07394462, 2012.
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127.   PAULINO, V. T. ; BUENO, M.S. ; Abdalla, A. L.. Composição química e compostos fenólicos em Arachis pintoi 'Belmonte'. Archivos de Zootecnia. v. 61, p. 611-614, issn: 00040592, 2012.
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128.   PEREIRA, B. F. FARIA ; HE, ZHENLI ; STOFFELLA, PETER J. ; MONTES, CELIA R. ; MELFI, ADOLPHO J. ; BALIGAR, VIRUPAX C.. Nutrients and Nonessential Elements in Soil after 11 Years of Wastewater Irrigation. Journal of Environmental Quality. v. 41, p. 920-927, issn: 00472425, 2012.
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129.   PERES, L. E. P. ; LOMBARDI-CRESTANA, S. ; Azevedo, M. da S. ; SILVA, G. F. F. E. ; PINO, Lilian Ellen ; Figueira A. ; GLORIA, B. A. ; NOGUEIRA, F. T. S. ; Peres, Lazaro EP. The Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum cv Micro-Tom) Natural Genetic Variation Rg1 and the DELLA Mutant Procera Control the Competence Necessary to Form Adventitious Roots and Shoots. Journal of Experimental Botany. v. 63, p. 5689-5703, issn: 00220957, 2012.
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130.   PEZZINI, F. ; F. ; MELO, P. ; H. ; A. ; OLIVEIRA, D. ; M. ; S. ; AMORIM, R. ; X. ; FIGUEIREDO, F. ; O. ; G. ; DRUCKER, D. ; P. ; RODRIGUES, F. ; R. ; O. ; ZUQUIM, G. ; EMILIO, T. ; COSTA, F. ; R. ; C. ; MAGNUSSON, W. ; E. ; SAMPAIO, A. ; F. ; LIMA, A. ; P. ; GARCIA, A. ; R. ; M. ; MANZATTO, A. ; G. ; NOGUEIRA, A. ; COSTA, C. ; P. ; BARBOSA, C. ; E. ; A. ; BERNARDES, C. ; CASTILHO, C. ; V. ; CUNHA, C. ; N. ; FREITAS, C. ; G. ; CAVALCANTE, C. ; O. ; BRANDAO, D. ; O. ; RODRIGUES, D. ; J. ; SANTOS, E. ; C. ; P. ; R. ; BACCARO, F. ; B. ; ISHIDA, F. ; Y. ; CARVALHO, F. ; A. ; MOULATLET, G. ; M. ; GUILLAUMET, J-L. ; B. ; PINTO, J. ; L. ; P. ; V. ; SCHIETTI, J. ; VALE, J. ; D. ; BELGER, L. ; VERDADE, L. ; M. ; PANSONATO, M. ; P. ; NASCIMENTO, M. ; T. ; SANTOS, M. ; C. ; V. ; CUNHA, M. ; S. ; ARRUDA, R. ; BARBOSA, R. ; I. ; ROMERO, R. ; L. ; PANSINI, S. ; PIMENTEL, T. ; P.. The Brazilian Program for Biodiversity Research (PPBio) Information System. Biodiversity & Ecology. v. 4, p. 265-274, issn: 16139801, 2012.
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131.   PIRES, J. A. ; SCNHOLATO, M. ; HARDER, M. N. C. ; ARTHUR, V.. Efeitos de embalagens de poletereftalato de etileno em vinhos tintos e suaves submetidos a radiação gama para envelhecimento precoce.. Bioenergia em revista: diálogos. v. 1, p. 46-59, issn: 22369171, 2012.
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132.   Povedano, L. ; Hanrique, F.H. ; LATADO, R. R. ; TULMANN NETO, A.. Obtenção de plantas tetraplóides de citros visando a produção de triplóides sem sementes. Citrus Research & Technology (Impresso). v. 33, p. 65-74, issn: 21775419, 2012.
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133.   RACHID, CAIO TCC ; PICCOLO, MARISA C ; LEITE, DEBORAH CATHARINE A ; BALIEIRO, FABIANO C ; COUTINHO, HEITOR LUIZ C ; VAN ELSAS, JAN ; PEIXOTO, RAQUEL S ; ROSADO, ALEXANDRE S. Physical-chemical and microbiological changes in Cerrado Soil under differing sugarcane harvest management systems. BMC MICROBIOLOGY. v. 12, p. 170, issn: 14712180, 2012.
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134.   Rasbold, G.G. ; Parolin, M. ; Caxambu, M.G. ; Pessenda, L.C.R.. Avaliação e quantificação dos fitólitos presentes em Chloris elata Desv., Chloris gayana Kunth, , Tripogon spicatus (Ness) Ekman (Chloridoideae). Iheringia. Série Botânica. v. 67, p. 137-148, issn: 00734705, 2012.
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135.   Rigonato, Janaina ; Alvarenga, Danillo Oliveira ; Andreote, Fernando Dini ; Dias, Armando Cavalcante Franco ; Melo, Itamar Soares ; Kent, Angela ; Fiore, Marli Fátima. Cyanobacterial diversity in the phyllosphere of a mangrove forest. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology (Print). v. 80, p. 312-322, issn: 01686496, 2012.
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136.   ROCHA, I.M.A. da ; Vitorello, Victor Alexandre ; SILVA, J.S. ; FERREIRA-SILVA, S.L. ; Viégas, Ricardo Almeida ; Silva, Evandro Nascimento ; SILVEIRA, J.A.G.. Exogenous ornithine is an effective precursor and the ¿-ornithine amino transferase pathway contributes to proline accumulation under high N recycling in salt-stressed cashew leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology (Print). v. 169, p. 41-49, issn: 01761617, 2012.
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137.   RODRIGUES, M. G. F. ; CORREA, L.S. ; TULMANN NETO, A. ; SANTOS, P. C.. Seleção de clones de Figueira cv Roxo de Valinhos formados por gemas irradiadas. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Impresso). v. 34, p. 1-8, issn: 01002945, 2012.
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138.   Rodríguez, Vania ; Mori, Bruno ; Dörr, Felipe A. ; Dal Belo, Cháriston A. ; COLEPICOLO, Pio ; Pinto, Ernani. Effects of a cyanobacterial extract containing-anatoxin-a(s) on the cardiac rhythm of Leurolestes circunvagans. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso). v. 22, p. 775-781, issn: 0102695X, 2012.
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139.   ROSSETE, A. L. R. M. ; CARNEIRO, J. M. T. ; SANTANA FILHO, C. R. ; BENDASSOLLI, J. A.. Isotope determination of sulfur by mass spectrometry in soil samples. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA DO SOLO. v. 36, p. 1787-1793, issn: 01000683, 2012.
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140.   Pessenda, Luiz Carlos Ruiz ; Vidotto, Elaine ; De Oliveira, Paulo Eduardo ; Buso, Antonio Alvaro ; Cohen, Marcelo Cancela Lisboa ; Rossetti, Dilce de Fátima ; Ricardi-Branco, Fresia ; Bendassolli, José Albertino. Late Quaternary vegetation and coastal environmental changes at Ilha do Cardoso mangrove, southeastern Brazil. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. v. 363-364, p. 57-68, issn: 00310182, 2012.
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141.   Rêgo, J.F. ; VIRGILIO, A. ; GOMES NETO, J. A. ; NÓBREGA, J. A.. Determination of lead in medicinal plants by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using direct solid sampling. Talanta (Oxford). v. 100, p. 21-26, issn: 00399140, 2012.
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142.   SALEMI, L. F. ; GROPPO, J. D. ; TREVISAN, R. ; SEGHESI, G. B. ; MORAES, J. M. ; FERRAZ, S. F. B. ; MARTINELLI, L. A.. Consequências hidrológicas da mudança de uso da terra de floresta para pastagem na região da floresta tropical pluvial atlântica. Revista Ambiente & Água. v. 7, p. 127, issn: 1980993X, 2012.
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143.   Salemi, Luiz Felippe ; STENICO, A.C. ; Martinelli, Luiz Antonio ; Trevisan, Rodrigo ; Groppo, Juliano Daniel ; de Paula Lima, Walter ; de Moraes, Jorge Marcos. Riparian vegetation and water yield: a synthesis. Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam). v. 454, p. 195-202, issn: 00221694, 2012.
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144.   SALIMON, CLEBER ; Santos Sousa, Eliete ; Alin, Simone R. ; KRUSCHE, ALEX VLADIMIR ; BALLESTER, Maria Victoria. Seasonal variation in dissolved carbon concentrations and fluxes in the upper Purus River, southwestern Amazon. Biogeochemistry (Dordrecht). v. XX, p. XX, issn: 01682563, 2012.
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145.   SANTANA FILHO, C. R. ; ROSSETE, A. L. R. M. ; TAVARES, C. R. O. ; PRESTES, C. V. ; BENDASSOLLI, J. A.. Synthesis of 15N-enriched urea (CO(15NH2)2) from 15NH3, CO, and S in a discontinuous process. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. v. 29, p. 795-806, issn: 01046632, 2012.
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146.   Santos, Dário ; NUNES, Lidiane Cristina ; de Carvalho, Gabriel Gustinelli Arantes ; Gomes, Marcos da Silva ; de Souza, Paulino Florêncio ; Leme, Flavio de Oliveira ; dos Santos, Luis Gustavo Cofani ; Krug, Francisco José. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for analysis of plant materials: A review. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY. v. on, p. 1-11, issn: 05848547, 2012.
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147.   Santos, Luís Gustavo Cofani ; Nadai Fernandes, Elisabete A. ; Bacchi, Márcio Arruda ; SILVA COFANI DOS SANTOS, SIMONE SILVEIRA NERY. Performance of Compton suppression system (CSS) and applicability in food matrices. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Print). v. 291, p. 179-185, issn: 02365731, 2012.
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148.   Santos, Luís Gustavo Cofani ; Nadai Fernandes, Elisabete A. ; SILVA COFANI DOS SANTOS, SIMONE SILVEIRA NERY ; Bacchi, Márcio Arruda ; Sarriés, Gabriel Adrián ; Júnior, Fernando Barbosa. Macro, minor and trace elements in bovine milk from two Brazilian dairy regions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Print). v. 291, p. 207-211, issn: 02365731, 2012.
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149.   Sanz, Miriam ; Simón, Brígida Fernández ; Cadahía, Estrella ; Esteruelas, Enrique ; Muñoz, Angel M. ; Hernández, Teresa ; Estrella, Isabel ; Pinto, Ernani. LC-DAD/ESI-MS/MS study of phenolic compounds in ash (Fraxinus excelsior L. and F. americana L.) heartwood. Effect of toasting intensity at cooperage. Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Print). v. 47, p. 905-918, issn: 10765174, 2012.
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150.   Sasaki, Milton K. ; VICENTE, S. ; V. Grassi ; Zagatto, Elias A.G.. Differential reaction-rate methods in flow analysis. The Open Analytical Chemistry Journal. v. 6, p. 28-38, issn: 17840650, 2012.
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151.   Scaranello, Marcos Augusto da Silva ; Alves, Luciana Ferreira ; Vieira, Simone Aparecida ; CAMARGO, Plinio Barbosa de ; Joly, Carlos Alfredo ; Martinelli, Luiz Antônio ; Martinelli, L.A.. Height-diameter relationships of tropical Atlantic moist forest trees in southeastern Brazil. Scientia Agrícola (USP. Impresso). v. 69, p. 26-37, issn: 01039016, 2012.
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152.   SCARPARE, F. V. ; JONG VAN LIER, Q. de ; CORREA, S. T. R. ; BARROS, A. H. ; MARIN, F. R. ; NASSIF, D. S. P.. Modelos de crescimento da cana-de-açúcar e sua parametrização - Revisão. Revista de Agricultura (Piracicaba). v. 87, p. 66-80, issn: 00347655, 2012.
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153.   SCHIAVO, J. ; Dias Neto, A.H. ; Pereira, M.G. ; PESSENDA, L. C. R.. Caracterização e classificação de solos da bacia do rio Taquari no Pantanal sul-matogrossense.. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (Impresso). v. 36, p. 697-707, issn: 01000683, 2012.
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154.   SILVA NETO, A. M. ; SANTOS, T. R. O. ; DIAS, V. S. ; JOACHIM-BRAVO, I. S. ; BENEVIDES, L. J. ; SILVA, M. L. V. ; CRISTINA, D. ; VIRGINIO, J. ; OLIVEIRA, G. B. ; WALDER, J. M. M. ; PARANHOS, B. A. J. ; NASCIMENTO, A. S.. Mass-rearing of Mediterranean fruit fly using low-cost yeast products produced in Brazil. Scientia Agrícola (USP. Impresso). v. 69, p. 364-369, issn: 01039016, 2012.
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155.   SILVA, ALINNE ; ROSSETTO, R. ; BONNECINE, JULIANA ; PIEMONTE, MICHEL ; MURAOKA, T.. Net and Potential Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil with Sugarcane Vinasse. Sugar Tech. v. 15, p. 159-164, issn: 09721525, 2012.
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156.   SILVA, ALINNE ; ROSSETTO, Raffaella ; BONNECINE, JULIANA ; PIEMONTE, MICHEL ; Muraoka, Takashi. Net and Potential Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil with Sugarcane Vinasse. Sugar Tech. v. 14, p. 1, issn: 09721525, 2012.
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157.   SILVA, C. S. P. ; LORENZI, Adriana Sturion ; FRANCO, Y. O. ; FIORE, M. F.. Detecção molecular e remoção de microcistinas nos processos de tratamento de água. Saúde em Revista (UNIMEP). v. 12, p. 61-68, issn: 15167356, 2012.
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158.   SILVA, DANIELA M.L. ; Camargo, Plínio B. ; MCDOWELL, WILLIAM H. ; VIEIRA, IVAN ; SALOMÃO, MARCOS S.M.B. ; Martinelli, Luiz A.. Influence of land use changes on water chemistry in streams in the State of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso). v. 84, p. 919-930, issn: 00013765, 2012.
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159.   SILVA, E. C. ; MURAOKA, T. ; FRANZINI, V. I. ; Alvarez V., F. C. ; BUZETTI, S. ; MORETI, D.. Phosphorus utilization by corn as affected by green manure, nitogen and phosphorus fertilizers. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (Online). v. 47, p. 1150-1157, issn: 16783921, 2012.
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160.   SILVA, Edson Cabral da ; Muraoka, Takashi ; Franzini, Vinícius Ide ; VILLANUEVA, Felipe Carlos Alvarez ; BUZETTI, Salatiér ; MORETI, DOLORICE. Phosphorus utilization by corn as affected by green manure, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (1977. Impressa). v. 47, p. 1150-1157, issn: 0100204X, 2012.
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161.   SILVA, M. A. ; BEZERRA, G. C. D. ; Mastrangelo, T.. The host marking pheromone application on the management of fruit flies - a review. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Online). v. 55, p. 835-842, issn: 16784324, 2012.
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162.   SILVA, MÁRCIO ALVES ; BEZERRA-SILVA, GERANE CELLY DIAS ; VENDRAMIM, JOSÉ DJAIR ; Mastrangelo, Thiago. Inhibition of Oviposition by Neem Extract: A Behavioral Perspective for the Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). Florida Entomologist. v. 95, p. 333-337, issn: 19385102, 2012.
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163.   Silva-Stenico, M.E. ; RIGONATO, J. ; LEAL, M.G. ; VAZ, M.G.M.V. ; ANDREOTE, A.P.D. ; Fiore, M.F.. Non-Ribosomal Halogenated Protease Inhibitors from Cyanobacterial Isolates as Attractive Drug Targets. Current Medicinal Chemistry. v. 19, p. 5205-5213, issn: 09298673, 2012.
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164.   Silva-Stenico, Maria Estela ; Silva, Caroline Souza Pamplona ; Fiore, Marli Fátima ; Rigonato, Janaina ; LORENZI, Adriana Sturion. INIBIDORES DE PROTEASES PRODUZIDOS POR CIANOBACTÉRIAS: UMA REVISÃO. Oecologia Australis. v. 16, p. 183-209, issn: 21776199, 2012.
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165.   Silva-Stenico, Maria Estela ; VIEIRA, FELIPE D. P. ; GENUÁRIO, DIEGO B. ; SILVA, CAROLINE S. P. ; Moraes, Luiz Alberto B. ; Fiore, Marli Fátima. Decolorization of textile dyes by cyanobacteria. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). v. 23, p. 1863-1870, issn: 01035053, 2012.
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166.   Smith, C.B. ; Cohen, M.C.L. ; Pessenda, L.C.R. ; França, M.C. ; Guimarães, J.T.F.. Holocenic proxies of sedimentary organic matter and the evolution of Lake Arari-Amazon Region. Catena (Cremlingen). v. 90, p. 26-38, issn: 03418162, 2012.
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167.   SOLTAN, Y. A. ; MORSY, A. S. ; Sallam, Sobhy Mohamed Abdallah Hassan ; LOUVANDINI, H. ; ABDALLA, A. L.. Comparative in vitro evaluation of forage legumes (prosopis, acacia, atriplex, and leucaena) on ruminal fermentation and methanogenesis. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. v. 21, p. 759-772, issn: 12301388, 2012.
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168.   SORIANO, L. ; MOURÃO FILHO, Francisco de Assis Alves ; CAMARGO, L. E. A. ; CRISTOFANI-YALY, M. ; Latado R R ; Pacheco C A ; AZEVEDO, Fernando Alves ; MENDES, B. M. J.. Regeneration and characterization of somatic hybrids combining sweet orange and mandarin/mandarin hybrid cultivars for citrus scion improvement. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (Print). v. 111, p. 385-392, issn: 01676857, 2012.
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169.   SORIANO, L. ; TAVANO, Eveline Carla da Rocha ; Behling M ; MOURÃO FILHO, Francisco de Assis Alves ; Mendes, Beatriz Madalena Januzzi. In vitro organogenesis of Rangpur Lime. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Impresso). v. 34, p. 349-355, issn: 01002945, 2012.
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170.   Souza A. R. M. ; Nogueira D. P. ; V. ARTHUR. The effect of irradiation in the preservation of pink pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi). Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1993). v. 1, p. 5-9, issn: 0969806X, 2012.
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171.   STARK, SCOTT C. ; LEITOLD, VERONIKA ; WU, JIN L. ; Hunter, Maria O. ; DE CASTILHO, CAROLINA V. ; COSTA, FLÁVIA R. C. ; MCMAHON, SEAN M. ; PARKER, GEOFFREY G. ; SHIMABUKURO, MÔNICA TAKAKO ; LEFSKY, MICHAEL A. ; Keller, Michael ; Alves, Luciana F. ; SCHIETTI, JULIANA ; SHIMABUKURO, YOSIO EDEMIR ; BRANDÃO, DIEGO O. ; WOODCOCK, TARA K. ; HIGUCHI, NIRO ; DE CAMARGO, PLINIO B. ; DE OLIVEIRA, RAIMUNDO C. ; SALESKA, SCOTT R.. Amazon forest carbon dynamics predicted by profiles of canopy leaf area and light environment. Ecology Letters (Print). v. 15, p. 1406-1414, issn: 1461023X, 2012.
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